Stephen Dodge

Stephen serves as the Director of State Regulatory Affairs for Clean Fuels Alliance America. In this role, he engages in technical analysis of issues associated with biodiesel and renewable diesel and represents the interests of Clean Fuels Alliance America’s members...

Tom Verry

Tom serves as the Director of Outreach and Development for Clean Fuels Alliance America. Tom works to establish synergistic relationships for the benefit of the biodiesel industry with key stakeholders including feed stock suppliers, state soybean associations, fuel...

Brad Shimmens

Brad serves as the Director of Operations and Membership for Clean Fuels Alliance America. Brad is responsible for the design and execution, in collaboration with all staff, of a comprehensive membership outreach and communication program which is reviewed and...

Bev Thessen

Bev serves as the Information Manager for Clean Fuels Alliance America. Bev has been employed with Clean Fuels Alliance America since 1994 and plays a significant role as first point of contact for the office, whether by incoming calls or e-mail requests. In addition,...

Kate Shenk

Kate serves as Director of Regulatory Affairs for Clean Fuels Alliance America, leading members in navigating federal regulatory policies. Since joining Clean Fuels Alliance America, Kate has helped the industry advocate for growth in annual Renewable Fuel Standard...