Clean Fuels Advocacy

Supporting Policies to Advance Clean Fuels
Clean Fuels Alliance America works closely with our members and other stakeholders to communicate our industry’s essential role in the U.S economy. Advocates work year-round to educate others about the jobs and economic activity created by clean fuels companies. We promote the value of strong federal policies – like the RFS and biodiesel tax incentive – that support your business.
As a Clean Fuels advocate, your voice fuels positive change for our growing industry. The resources below will help you connect directly with your elected leaders and policymakers.
Renewable Fuel Standard Advocacy
Reps. Mariannette Miller-Meeks (R-IA), John Garamendi (D-CA), Nikki Budzinksi (D-IL), and Carlos Gimenez (R-FL), recently introduced the Renewable Fuels for Ocean-Going Vessels Act. This bipartisan legislation would enable biodiesel and renewable diesel blenders to retain RFS credits (RINs) when the fuel is used in ocean-going vessels.
Currently, refiners and blenders are required to retire these RINs, because "fuel used in ocean-going vessels" is excluded from the RFS definition of transportation fuels. However, EPA can authorize companies to generate and use RINs for "additional renewable fuels." The legislation would designate fuel for ocean-going vessels as one of these additional renewable fuels.
Please write your Representative and Senators to encourage them to co-sponsor this legislation.
Tax & Clean Energy Policy Advocacy
Congress created new incentives for clean fuel producers beginning in 2025. These income tax credits are specifically tied to the carbon intensity scores for the fuel and feedstock combinations. For biodiesel and renewable diesel producers, this is a major transition from the familiar blenders credit.
Currently, the U.S. Treasury and Internal Revenue Service are developing rules and guidance for many new credits. Treasury has been tasked with developing a default table of carbon intensity scores and associated credit values. Clean Fuels and other industry organizations are asking Treasury to take rapid action on the §45Z credit -- primarily to provide safe harbors to enable biodiesel and renewable diesel producers to calculate the credit value until Treasury completes the full rule.
Please contact Congress and the Treasury to urge immediate guidance and proposed rules for the new §45Z credit. You can send this ready-made note — or personalize it with information about your company.
Infrastructure/Farm Bill
USDA administers the Higher Blends Infrastructure Incentive Program, which provides matching grants to companies and improves consumer access to better, cleaner fuel. Congress recently secured funding for this program to continue it through 2030. The original legislation was developed with bipartisan support.
USDA has committed to enrolling applicants and securing grants on a quarterly basis until all avialable funds are used. At Clean Fuels’ urging, USDA is reserving 5% of funds for home heating oil distribution facilities and 20% for fuel distribution facilities, such as terminals, to enable storage and consumer access to biodiesel.
Please contact your Representative and Senators. Thank them for supporting the program, educate them about its success, and ask them to ensure that the funding remains available to USDA to complete this program.