Join Clean Fuels
Corporate Purpose

Types of Fuels Represented
Biodiesel means the Mono Alkyl-Esters of long-chain fatty acids derived from animal fats or vegetable oils that meet the specifications of ASTM D-6751 or its legal successor.
Renewable Diesel means the fuel derived from renewable biomass feedstocks that meets the specifications of ASTM D-975 or its legal successor and also meets the properties below:
- Oxidation Stability: ASTM D2274 (16h @ 95°); 2.5mg/100mL maximum; and
- Oxygen Content: ASTM E385; 500 ppm maximum.
Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) under ASTM D7566, D1655 or their legal successors, standard specification for aviation turbine fuels containing synthesized hydrocarbons and also meets 50% reduction in direct lifecycle GHG emission.
Membership Information

Membership Eligibility
Membership in Clean Fuels may be granted to any Feedstock Producer Organization, Biodiesel – Renewable Diesel – Sustainable Aviation Fuel Producer, Biodiesel – Renewable Diesel – Sustainable Aviation Fuel Marketer or Organization. Applicants may be granted membership, on a fiscal year basis, as outlined in the Clean Fuels policies. There shall be two classes of Members: Voting Members and Nonvoting Members.
Membership Approval Procedure
Upon receipt of a completed Clean Fuels Membership Application Form, a check for the appropriate Minimum Annual Dues and demonstrated compliance with Clean Fuels Fuel Quality Policy, Clean Fuels shall act expeditiously on the application pursuant to the procedure detailed in the Clean Fuels Admission Policy.
Membership Admission Procedure
An Applicant for Clean Fuels Membership must submit a completed Application Form (Section D) and a check for appropriate Minimum Annual Dues. See the Application Form for specific details. Upon submission of all required documents, the Application Package will be distributed to the Clean Fuels Voting Members. Each Clean Fuels Voting Member will be given fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of distribution to file a Written Comment.
A Voting Member may comment if it believes the Applicant has conducted and will conduct its business in a manner inconsistent with the exempt purposes of Clean Fuels. If after 14 days, staff has received no written comment, Applicant shall be admitted to Membership. If staff does receive written comment, it shall proceed as directed by Clean Fuels Chair after consultation with legal counsel.
Membership Classes
Clean Fuels has three classes of Memberships:
Voting Members:
- Feedstock Producer Organizations
- Producers/Marketers
Nonvoting Members:
- Organization
Fuel Sales Among Producers/Marketers
For purposes of calculating Volume Dues payments, gallons sold among Clean Fuels Members shall be counted only once. The dues shall be paid by the first Member Producer/Marketer involved in the transaction (whether the Member produces the fuel, purchases it, or simply brokers it).
Volume Dues Auditing Policy
Clean Fuels shall have access to the Member’s books and records relevant to the proper payment of Volume Dues. If a Volume Dues audit reveals the Member has underpaid Clean Fuels by more than 10% of the amount due, the Member shall be assessed and liable for the costs of the audit. All information accessed by the audit shall remain restricted pursuant to the Clean Fuels Confidentiality Policy.
Primary Delegate and Alternate(s) Delegate(s)
For Feedstock Producer Organization Voting Members, all delegates must be a farmer member. For Producer and Marketer Voting Members, all delegates shall be either an individual it employs or an individual serving as a voting director on its board or in an equivalent/comparable role. The appointed and approved Primary Delegate of the Voting Member will be considered the primary individual to case its vote, however, any appointed and approved Alternate Delegate may case the vote for the Voting member in the place and stead of the Primary Delegate. Nonpayment of dues is grounds for membership discipline, including suspension or revocation of membership.
Meeting Attendance
Clean Fuels Governing Structure
Member Benefits
Clean Fuels serves as the industry’s central coordinating entity and is the single voice for its diverse membership base. As a member of Clean Fuels, you receive support and access to resources in all areas of the industry including:
- Federal and State Governmental Affairs
- Quality Assurance Programs, BQ-9000
- Technical and Operations Support
- Industry Coordination and Prioritization
- Communications
Additional benefits to Clean Fuels membership include:
- Access to an expert Clean Fuels team, along with contractors from across the country.
- Opportunity to impact the future direction of the industry by attending industry development meetings and receiving member-only communications.
- Opportunity to represent Clean Fuels at strategic meetings, hearings, trade shows and other events.
- Receive frequent updates on state & federal biodiesel, renewable diesel and/or sustainable aviation fuel legislation.
- Be listed on the Clean Fuels website.
- Networking opportunities.
- Fuel suppliers are provided with leads & updated distribution lists of fuel Producers & Distributors from the Clean Fuels website.
- Access to Clean Fuels promotional materials such as publications, information kits, signs and tradeshow materials at cost.
- Marketing & technical support through expert advice.
- Industry/petroleum coordination support.
Interested in Joining Clean Fuels?
Please call 800-841-5849 to speak with our Director of Operations and Membership or fill in the form and we will reach out to you.