
Infograph: Among U.S. states, Texas ranks second in both biodiesel and renewable diesel production.

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Infograph: Washington’s Clean Fuel Standard (CFS) requires fuel suppliers to reduce the carbon intensity of transportation fuels to 20% below 2017 levels by 2038.

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Infograph: Biomass-based diesel's share of California's diesel fuel market reached 45.5% in 2022

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Infograph: Connecticut's heating oil must contain a growing percentage of biodiesel -- reaching 50% in 2035.

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Infograph: Illinois is a top producer and consumer of biodiesel and a top grower of soybeans.

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Infograph: According to a recent study, a tax incentive for biodiesel blends could increase Indiana’s use of homegrown biodiesel by 5.6 million gallons per year.

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Infograph: Iowa biodiesel production increased to 349 million gallons in 2022.

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Infograph: By 2023, Massachusetts will implement a long-term declining emissions cap on heating fuels.

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Infograph: A statewide renewable fuel standard would drastically increase Michigan’s potential demand for biodiesel blends and eventually reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by more than 1.4 million metric tons per year.

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Infograph: Minnesota was the first state to require biodiesel use. It is a top producer of biodiesel and grower of soybeans.

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