Treasury should adopt the U.S. Department of Energy’s Greenhouse Gases, Regulated Emissions, and Energy Use in Technologies (GREET) model as the secondary methodology for calculating tax credits for sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) produced
Clean Fuels Comments on Treasury Guidance for Sustainable Aviation Fuel Credit
SAF derived from co-processing is ineligible for the tax incentive. Treasury should adopt GREET as the similar methodology.
Letter to President Biden on Clean Fuels Jobs and Economic Impact, July 2022
In 2021, while petroleum production fell, the biodiesel and renewable diesel industry grew and added jobs. Stable tax incentives were a key reason.
Clean Fuels Comments to U.S. Treasury on Clean Fuel Production Credit Guidance, 2022
It is critical that Treasury and IRS implement a verified, current, and science-based emissions rate methodology to set tax credit values.
Study: The Economic Benefits of the Biodiesel Blenders’ Credit
The biodiesel tax incentive supports thousands of rural jobs and environmental benefits worth $4 billion in 2020.
Letter to Congress Policy Priorities, 2021
The industry's federal policy priorities include stable tax incentives, funding for infrastructure, and optimizing the RFS to achieve carbon reductions.
Clean Fuels, ASA, NOPA and U.S. Canola Urge Use of GREET Model for SAF Tax Incentives
Using the GREET model will support investments by farmers, oilseed processors and domestic producers to meet the SAF Grand Challenge
Clean Fuels Welcomes Amendment to Limit, Save, Grow Act That Preserves Biodiesel Tax Credit Extension
Eliminating retroactive tax expiration limits uncertainty for biodiesel and renewable diesel producers.
Rising to the Challenge for SAF
Clean Fuels Alliance America is taking a leading role in ensuring that these policies facilitate, rather than derail, the industry’s progress.
Clean Fuels Files Comments on New SAF, Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel Tax Incentives
Clean Fuels urges Treasury to use up-to-date, science-based model for carbon scoring.
Clean Fuels Welcomes Tax Certainty, Infrastructure Funding
Policies will support continued growth of biodiesel, renewable diesel, and SAF.
Clean Fuels Thanks Senate for Extending Tax Incentives, Infrastructure Funding
Policies will support continued growth of biodiesel, renewable diesel, and SAF.