Clean Fuels, Members Applaud Bipartisan Renewable Fuel for Ocean-Going Vessels Act
Biodiesel and renewable diesel producers can help international shipping companies meet carbon reduction goals
EPA Data Shows Clean Fuels Industry’s Record Growth
EPA’s final 2023 production numbers confirm sustainable growth of biomass-based diesel WASHINGTON, DC – Today, Clean Fuels Alliance America welcomed EPA’s release of Public Data for the Renewable Fuel Standard, including final production volumes for 2023. EPA’s data...
Clean Fuels, ASA, NARA Applaud Bipartisan Renewable Fuel for Ocean-Going Vessels Act
Small change to RFS rules would open marine fuel markets to biodiesel and renewable diesel
Clean Fuels Comments on Proposed RFS Volumes for 2023, 2024, and 2025
Increasing production of clean fuels through the RFS improves U.S. energy security, lowers diesel fuel prices, and generates carbon and emission reductions today that are necessary to meet future national environmental goals
Clean Fuels Comment on Draft “Biofuels and the Environment: Third Triennial Report to Congress”
We urge EPA to re-examine its assessments of the biofuels and agricultural markets and the methodology it uses to assess land cover and land management change
Letter from Clean Fuels, Transportation and Heating Oil Associations to EPA Administrator Regan on RFS Biomass-based Diesel Volumes for 2023-2025
The U.S. National Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization notes that clean, sustainable fuels are needed right now to drive emissions reductions and set us on a road to a clean transportation future.
Clean Fuels Comments on EPA Proposed Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles-Phase 3
EPA cannot discount the immediate benefits biodiesel and renewable diesel have as we decarbonize the heavy-duty sector.
Letter to President Joe Biden from 75 Stakeholders on the RFS Biomass-based Diesel Volumes for 2023-2025
Increased production of biodiesel and renewable diesel in 2023 illustrates the need for EPA to raise RFS volumes substantially.
Letter from Iowa, Missouri and Nebraska Governors to EPA Administrator Regan on RFS Biomass-based Diesel Volumes for 2023-2025
The Proposed Renewable Fuel Standard Rules for 2023, 2024 and 2025 did not provide the expected upward trajectory for the biomass-based diesel industry.
Letter from 16 Senators to EPA Administrator Regan on the 2023 RFS Volumes for Biomass-based Diesel
The final RFS rule must increase the volumes for biomass-based diesel to reflect market conditions.
Letter from Reps. Hinson, Craig and 35 Representatives to EPA Administrator Regan Urging Higher RFS Volumes Particularly for Biomass-based diesel
EPA's 2023 RFS volumes for biodiesel and renewable diesel are a step in the wrong direction.