The U.S. EPA is due to finalize the 2023 Renewable Fuel Standard obligations by June 14. Clean Fuels Director of Public Affairs and Federal Communications, Paul Winters, explains how the last three months of growth should account for higher RVOs.
Clean Fuels Welcomes Amendment to Limit, Save, Grow Act That Preserves Biodiesel Tax Credit Extension
Eliminating retroactive tax expiration limits uncertainty for biodiesel and renewable diesel producers.
Rising to the Challenge for SAF
Clean Fuels Alliance America is taking a leading role in ensuring that these policies facilitate, rather than derail, the industry’s progress.
Clean Fuels Applauds Senate Letter Urging Stronger RFS Volumes
Bipartisan letter calls on EPA to give farmers and biofuel producers confidence that the RFS is a priority.
Clean Fuels Thanks House Members for Urging EPA to Raise RFS Volumes
Bipartisan letter says EPA’s proposed 2023 advanced and BBD volumes are a step in the wrong direction.
Clean Fuels Urges EPA to Either Raise RFS Multiyear Volumes or Only Finalize 2023 Volumes
A three-year, no-growth RFS rule for advanced and biomass-based diesel would be devastating.
Clean Fuels Expresses Frustration with EPA’s RFS Proposal for 2023 – 2025
Eighteen Clean Fuels speakers testify at public hearing on the proposed RFS volume.
Clean Fuels Files Comments on New SAF, Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel Tax Incentives
Clean Fuels urges Treasury to use up-to-date, science-based model for carbon scoring.
Clean Fuels Says RFS Proposal for 2023 and Beyond Woefully Underestimates Biomass-based Diesel
Proposed volumes are below existing production, undercutting investments in new capacity.
Clean Fuels Highlights Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel Role in California’s GHG Drop
Clean fuels made up 21% of California’s diesel pool in 2020, buoying state’s drop in transportation emissions.
Clean Fuels Welcomes New Missouri Biodiesel Tax Incentive
Clean Fuels joins Governor Parsons at bill signing.
Clean Fuels, EPA Agree to Pause Litigation on Separated Food Waste Recordkeeping
Following discussions with Clean Fuels members, EPA hopes to resolve dispute without litigation.