Clean Fuels – Fueling Conversations

Mac Marshall, vice president of market intelligence for USB, discusses growth in biodiesel and renewable diesel allowing soybean farmers to build upon the prior investments and technological innovations that have enabled soy to play a role in biofuels.

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Clean Fuels – Fueling Conversations

In this episode, Steve Howell, senior technical advisor to Clean Fuels, discusses the history behind the ASTM standard for biodiesel and shares information on the recently approved Low Metals Grade.

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Clean Fuels – Fueling Conversations

In this episode, Greater Indiana Clean Cities Executive Director Kerri Garvin and Indiana Soybean Alliance Biofuels Director Helena Jette, board president, discuss transportation and clean air challenges in Indiana and the role biodiesel can play.

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Clean Fuels – Fueling Conversations

In this episode of Fueling Conversations, Tom Hammer, president and CEO of the National Oilseed Processors Association, discusses how processors are making significant investments to meet increasing demand for food, feed and biofuels.

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Clean Fuels – Fueling Conversations

In this episode of Fueling Conversations Jayson Lusk, head of agricultural economics at Purdue University, discusses creating an economic model to identify the effects of shifts in demand for soybean oil in biofuels on food prices.

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Clean Fuels – Fueling Conversations

In this episode of Fueling Conversations, Allen Schaeffer, executive director of the Diesel Technology Forum, expands on some of these challenges and how clean fuels can continue to play an immediate role in decarbonization efforts.

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Clean Fuels – Fueling Conversations

In this episode of Fueling Conversations, Bailey Arnold, director of clean air initiatives with the American Lung Association discusses the organization’s role in the Biobased Academy training program.

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Clean Fuels – Fueling Conversations

This episode of Fueling Conversations features Nathanial Doddridge, vice president of fuels for Casey’s General Stores, as he discusses how the company supports a Midwest soy-based biodiesel industry.

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