Clean Fuels recommends USDA incorporate intermediate oilseed crops – such as winter canola – as a conservation crop rotation practice and update the USDA FD-CIC model to include these crops.
Clean Fuels Alliance: Warning — Expect Gridlock Ahead
Biodiesel and renewable diesel producers need a green light from policy leaders to get back to business.
Clean Fuels Thanks Representatives for Urging EPA Administrator Zeldin to Put the RFS Back on Track
Twenty-eight Member of Congress emphasize U.S. biofuel industry’s role in energy security and affordability
Clean Fuels Reacts to Release of 45ZCF GREET Model and Climate Smart Ag Calculator
WASHINGTON, DC - On Wednesday, Clean Fuels Alliance America welcomed the Department of Energy’s release of the 45ZCF-GREET model for use in calculating carbon intensity scores and associated values for the §45Z Clean Fuels Production Credit. Clean Fuels also...
Clean Fuels Reacts to §45Z Guidance
WASHINGTON, DC - Clean Fuels Alliance America thanks U.S. Treasury and USDA officials for releasing long-awaited guidance describing the intended rules for the §45Z Clean Fuel Production Credit and giving stakeholders an opportunity to evaluate its workability. The...
Group Letter Urging Treasury Action on 45Z Tax Credit
Clean Fuels Welcomes §40B SAF GREET Model
U.S. farmers and clean fuel producers urge rapid action on guidance for 2025-2027 incentives
Nine Trade Associations Ask EPA to Meet November Deadline for 2026 RFS Volumes
Letter highlights negative impact of unreasonably low 2023 – 2025 volumes
Letter to EPA on 2026 RFS Volumes from Nine Trade Associations
Clean Fuels Expresses Disappointment in EPA’s GHG Standards for Heavy Duty Vehicles
Clean Fuels Alliance America expressed extreme disappointment in the Environmental Protection Agency’s final Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles-Phase 3, which explicitly incentivize electric vehicles but don’t consider biodiesel and renewable diesel use.
Kate Shenk
Kate serves as Director of Regulatory Affairs for Clean Fuels Alliance America, leading members in navigating federal regulatory policies. Since joining Clean Fuels Alliance America, Kate has helped the industry advocate for growth in annual Renewable Fuel Standard...