Clean Fuels Reacts to §45Z Guidance

WASHINGTON, DC - Clean Fuels Alliance America thanks U.S. Treasury and USDA officials for releasing long-awaited guidance describing the intended rules for the §45Z Clean Fuel Production Credit and giving stakeholders an opportunity to evaluate its workability. The...

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Kate Shenk

Kate serves as Director of Regulatory Affairs for Clean Fuels Alliance America, leading members in navigating federal regulatory policies. Since joining Clean Fuels Alliance America, Kate has helped the industry advocate for growth in annual Renewable Fuel Standard...

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Paul Winters

Paul serves as Director of Public Affairs and Federal Communications for Clean Fuels Alliance America, leading communications efforts and media outreach on federal policy priorities, including the Renewable Fuel Standard. Since joining Clean Fuels Alliance America,...

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David Cobb

David serves as Director of Federal Affairs for Clean Fuels Alliance America, advocating for Congressional support of Clean Fuels Alliance America’s policy priorities. Since joining Clean Fuels Alliance America, David has helped the industry identify and foster new...

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