Clean Fuels Alliance America Announces Floyd Vergara’s Retirement
Floyd Vergara, Director of State Governmental Affairs, set to retire following a long career in the low-carbon fuels industry.
New Members Highlight an Expanding Clean Fuels Industry
Clean Fuels Alliance America welcomes nine new members to the association.
Clean Fuels Hires New Senior Communications Manager
Katherine Reed joins communications team at association headquarters.
New Members Highlight Clean Fuels’ Expansion and Industry Momentum
Clean Fuels welcomes eight members to the association.
Clean Fuels Elects New Governing Board Members
Leadership reflects the industry’s diverse business interests and growing markets.
Clean Fuels celebrates new name with Missouri governor, local business and civic leaders
Clean Fuels Alliance America rebrands, furthering the organization’s position, reflecting the diversity of fuels and modern approach.
Clean Fuels Applauds Chevron on the Completion of Its Acquisition of REG
REG’s partnership with Clean Fuels will continue as it becomes Chevron’s ‘renewable fuels business headquarters’.
Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel Producers Prepare for Thanksgiving Harvest
Used cooking oil is being recycled across the country into sustainable alternative to petroleum diesel
National Biodiesel Board Elects New Governing Board
Governing Board charged with shepherding organization through evolution as organization works to expand clean fuels marketplace
New Members Highlight Biodiesel and Renewable Diesel Industry Growth
The National Biodiesel Board welcomes eight new groups to the association membership